You can import your guest list into your Contacts by going to My Account > My Contacts. If you’ve already entered guests into your Contacts, importing a list will add to your list, not replace it.
The upoad/import process will add the names and emails of your guests, and group them as households, as long as your spreadsheet is formatted in the following way.
Formatting guidelines
Households, Parties and Plus Ones
To group guests in the same household, enter the same number value for each guest in the party. We will automatically group these guests as a Household in your guest list.
This works for plus ones, too. If "John Smith" has a guest, add "Guest" as its own row under John Smith, and give them the same number in the household column.
Reminder: The number in the Household column isn't the number of people in the household - it is simply grouping people together with the same number. So, if there are four rows of people that all have the number 15 in the Household column, we will group them together as a household (it doesn't mean there are 15 people in that household).
Once you’ve formatted your guest list, save it as a CSV file. CSV (“Comma-separated values”) is a common format, supported by Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers, that Joy can easily read.
Once you’ve saved your formatted spreadsheet as a CSV file, you’re ready to import it in your Contacts. Go to My Account > My Contacts > Import. When you get the import overlay, choose to Upload File. Then, once the file is uploaded, select Import and the file will be imported into your Contacts.
Occassionally, a guest might have an issue logging into your wedding website. In our experience, there are a few things to check before reaching out to customer service:
1. Test the login yourself. Try to login as one of those guests, and see if you also get a login error. If you are able to login successfully, then the issue is user error - have your guest try again.
2. Go to your My Contacts to see if there are extra spaces before or after their name. Typically, it should not matter, but sometimes it can be an issue. So, if there are extra spaces, make sure to delete them.
3. Go to your My Contacts and check if you have their names in Contact list twice. That’s the most common issue we see! If their name is in your Contacts twice, it will cause a conflict (resulting in the login error). If you see the name twice, delete one of them and then everything should work!
At a very basic level, your wedding website is just a URL, and in some way you need to share that URL with your guests. You can share your URL with your guests either through online tools or via printed paper.
All the digital tools noted below can be shared via email, text or WhatsApp.
We always recommend including your Wedding Website URL in as many guest communication opportunites as you can. If your website has important weekend and event information, then making sure your guests have ways to access and reference it is important.
In the end, you need to share your Wedding Website URL with your guests - how you share it with them is totally up to you!
If your website doesn’t appear to be saving properly, or gets stuck, we always recommend logging out of your account, and then logging back in, just to make sure the browser has not logged you out of your browser session. In many cases this fixes the issue!
However, if it keeps happening, and you are uploading images while it is happening, it could be because the images are too large.
In general, all images should be less than 1 MB in size. And, when adding lots of images to a gallery, we recommend adding a few at a time, and then saving. If images are too large, it takes too long for the browser to save the data, and it will also likely take more time for your guests to load your site.
Lastly, we do always recommend checking to see if your browser is up to date. Visit this site to check!
Unfortunately we do not have the option to load music onto your website.
We do not have a QR code generator, but there are many online! Our recommendation is to google something like "free QR code generator" and you'll find a website that will generate one for you.
Yes! Simply visit your site, navigate to the page and copy/paste the URL - that is the specific URL for that page.
However, please keep in mind that password protection of any kind “breaks” that direct link to the specific page, and your guests will land on the homepage.
We recommendation adding a link into your site header under Header & Menu section. It can be something like “RSVP” or “RSVP Now”. Then, it’s front and center for the guests and they'll always be reminded to RSVP!
Unfortunately there isn’t a great way to download a website. Our best recommendation is to go to your Dashboard and make your site a single page scrolling site (if not already). Then, user Safari’s Export as PDF… feature (under "File" in Safari). That will export a single, long PDF of your site, and will serve as a nice digital keepsake.