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Website Communications

How to communicate (email or text) with your guests

With a Premium website membership you can email or text your guests as much as you want for free! To craft and send a communication, click on the Communicate button in your Website Editor.

Once you craft your message, fill out your Recipient list and send it off!

Editing communication fonts or adding images 

When crafting your communication you will not have the abiltiy to edit the font or add images. We've chosen a font for maximum legibility, deliverability, and email client combatability.

However, you can link to your website or to an external link, match your website colors or even add your B&B logo. 

Duplicating a previous communication

There is no way to duplicate a previously sent communication, but that is becuase they are free to send and quick to design!

To copy and paste your message from a previously sent communication, click into that sent communciation and click on the SHARE icon of one of your receipints. Copy the URL and paste it into your browser! You'll be able to see the previosuly sent communication.

The "Send Now" button isn't clickable

If you aren't able to click on the "Send Now" button, that is because there are errors (in red text) above that need to be fixed, so check your entire Recipient list for red error text. Once resovled, you will be able to send!